Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Who is True Imam Mahdi? that is predicted in the Ahaadeeth of Holy Prophet Muhammad (saws)

Any one who sees an optical illusions declares himself a Mahdi. Like Mirza Gulam Ahmed Qadiyaani, Syed Mohammed Jaunpuri, Wallace Fard Muhammad, Elijah Poole (Muhammed), Isa Abdullah (Dwight York's The Ansaarullah Cult), Abdullah Al-Harari Al-Habashi, Deviant Groups like Baha’is, Shi’ah etc. There are many who have called themselves Mahdi, How much Mahdivis we have had already and how much more are waiting in the wing?  Allaah can only help us from these so called Mehdis, it is really becoming difficult to make a choice when we receive them left, right and centre.  When someone has a personality disorder, he talks strange things and then, visualising the natural reaction of the people, automatically becomes paranoid and seeks refuge elsewhere.
Arrival of the “Promised Messiah” has not made life any easier for us.  We were mendicants and we will ever remain mendicants.
Many have claimed that they are Imam Mahdi. The list is big out which few I have mentioned above, Many Muslims have been trapped by this claim. Let us see what Holy Prophet Muhammad had said about the coming of Imam Mahdi.

There are saheeh Ahaadeeth that indicate that the Mahdi (peace be upon him) will appear at the end of time. He is one of the signs of the Hour. Among these ahaadeeth are the following:
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Islam - Discover the True Religion Islam, About Islam, Muslim, Quran, Religion, Allah, Muhammad, Islamic, God, muslims, moslem, koran, Hadith, Jesus, Prophet, Muhammed, muslim women, Sunnah, Salvation, Bible,Jesus, Mary, Sects,  Salafi, Allaahuakbar.netAbu Sa’eed al-Khudri said: "The Messenger of Allaah (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) said: ‘The Mahdi is of my lineage, with a high forehead and a long, thin, curved nose. He will fill the earth with fairness and justice as it was filled with oppression and injustice, and he will rule for seven years.’" (Sunan Abi Dawud, Kitaab al-Mahdi, 11/375, hadeeth 4265; Mustadrak al-Haakim, 4/557; he said: this is a saheeh hadeeth according to the conditions of Muslim, although it was not reported by al-Bukhaari and Muslim. See also Saheeh al-Jaami, 6736).

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According to these Reliable, Authentic, and Universally Accepted Narrations, Imam Mahdi will:

1.Be from among the family of Prophet (SAW), among the descendants of Fatima (RA);

2.Have a broad forehead and pointed noise;

3.Appear in one night;

4.Appear just before the day of judgment;

5.Have same name as Hazrat Muhammad (SAW);

6.Escape from Madina to Makkah where people will pledge allegiance to him;

7.Receive pledge and help of Iraqi people;

8.Fight in battles;

9.Rule over the Arabs for seven or Eight years according to Sunnah;

10.Spread justice and equity on earth;

11.Eradicate tyranny and oppression;

12.Lead a prayer in Makkah which Jesus (pbuh) will follow in;

13.NOT be the same individual as the Promised Messiah (Jesus).
14.Allaah will grant him rain, the earth will bring forth its fruits,
15.He will give a lot of money, cattle will increase and the ummah will become great.
16. He is one, behind whom ‘Eesaa ibn Maryam will pray.

Did this all so called Imam Mahdis fulfilled these criteria and performed these duties?

The ahaadeeth concerning the appearance of the Mahdi reach the level of Tawaatur in meaning (tawaatur refers to a hadeeth which was narrated by so many people through so many isnaads that it is inconceivable that they could all have agreed on a lie). The imaams and scholars of this ummah have stated this, and a few of their comments are quoted below:

1. Al-Haafiz Abu’l-Hasan al-Aabiri said: "The mutawaatir reports from the Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) describing the Mahdi are very many. They state that the Mahdi will be of his family, that he will rule for seven years, that he will fill the earth with justice, that ‘Eesaa ibn Maryam will emerge and help him to kill the Dajjaal, and that he will lead this ummah in prayer and ‘Eesaa will pray behind him."

2. Muhammad al-Barzanji said, in his book al-Ishaa’ah li Ashraat al-Saa’ah: "The major signs and the signs that will be immediately followed by the Hour: these signs are many, of which the Mahdi will be the first. Know that the ahaadeeth that have been narrated about him in various reports are numerous." He also said: "You know that the ahaadeeth which speak of the Mahdi, his appearance at the end of time, and his lineage and descent from the Prophet (Peace & Blessings of Allaah be upon Him) via Faatimah reach the level of tawaatur in meaning, so there is no point in denying them."

3. Al-‘Allaamah Muhammad al-Safaareeni said: "There are so many reports which speak of the appearance of the Mahdi that they reach the level of tawaatur in meaning; they are very popular among the scholars of Sunnah and have become part of their faith." Then he quotes a number of ahaadeeth and reports about the appearance of the Mahdi and the names of the Sahaabah from whom they were narrated: "Many reports were narrated from the Sahaabah whose names were mentioned and others whose names were not mentioned, may Allaah be pleased with them all, and from the Taabi’een after them, all of which proves that this is definitive knowledge. Belief in the appearance of the Mahdi is obligatory, as it has been confirmed by the scholars and is listed among the beliefs of Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah."

4. Al-‘Allaamah al-Mujtahid al-Shawkaani said: "The ahaadeeth that we have come across that speak of the awaited Mahdi reach the level of tawaatur, including fifty saheeh, hasan and da’eef munjabar ahaadeeth. There are mutawaatir without a doubt; indeed they are more mutawaatir than others, according to all the standards of usool. There are also many reports from the Sahaabah that speak about the Mahdi and that reach the level of marfoo’, so there is no room for individual opinions in such an issue."

5. Al-‘Allaamah al-Shaykh Siddeeq Hasan Khaan said: "Even though there are different versions of reports concerning the Mahdi, they are so many that they reach the level of tawaatur in meaning. They are to be found in al-Sunan and other books of Islam."

6. Al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ja’far al-Kattaani said: "The conclusion is that the ahaadeeth narrated concerning the Mahdi are mutawaatir, as are the ahaadeeth concerning the Dajjaal and the descent of ‘Eesaa ibn Maryam, upon whom be peace." (See Ashraat al-Saa’ah by Yoosuf ibn ‘Abdullaah al-Waabil, pp. 195-203).

You should be aware that some liars have fabricated ahaadeeth about the Mahdi, and others have even claimed to be he, or that he belongs to a group other than Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah. Some of these "false mahdis" have tried to deceive the slaves of Allaah for some worldly gain and to distort the picture of Islaam. Some have started movements and revolutions and gathered those people and supporters whom they were able to deceive. Then they were destroyed, and their lies and falsehood were exposed. None of this affects the belief of Ahl al-Sunnah wa’l-Jamaa’ah in the Mahdi, upon whom be peace, and that he will undoubtedly appear and rule the earth in accordance with Islamic Sharee’ah. And Allaah knows best.
And Now Hadith regarding the coming of Hazrat Eisa Ibne Maryam

Mirza Gulam Ahmed being Imam Mehdi claimed that he is the Promised Messiah, Eisa Ibne Maryam also, that was prophesiced by the Holy Prophet, who he will come before the Day of Judgement. Was he correct in his claim? Let us see, what Holy Prophet SAW said about this:

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Islam - Discover the True Religion Islam, About Islam, Muslim, Quran, Religion, Allah, Muhammad, Islamic, God, muslims, moslem, koran, Hadith, Jesus, Prophet, Muhammed, muslim women, Sunnah, Salvation, Bible,Jesus, Mary, Sects,  Salafi,"Hazrat Masih will die after completing the duration he was destined to pass in the world and that Muslims would offer his funeral prayers and bury him next to the grave of the holy Prophet (Saws), Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) and Hazrat Umar (RA)." (Mishkat, P. 480)

Islam - Discover the True Religion Islam, About Islam, Muslim, Quran, Religion, Allah, Muhammad, Islamic, God, muslims, moslem, koran, Hadith, Jesus, Prophet, Muhammed, muslim women, Sunnah, Salvation, Bible,Jesus, Mary, Sects,  Salafi,"By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, Son of Mary (Jesus) will shortly descend amongst you people (Muslims) as a just ruler and will break the Cross and kill the pig and abolish the Jizyah (a tax taken from the non-Muslims, who are in the protection, of the Muslim government). Then there will be abundance of money and no one will accept charitable gifts." (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 3, Book 34, No. 425)

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According to these Authentic and Universally accepted Hadith:
1. The Promised Messiah is none other than Hazrat Isa bin Maryam (pbuh) (Jesus);
2. He will descend among Muslims, near the White Eastern Minaret of Damascus, Syria, clad in two yellow sheets (dyed with saffron), while leaning on the shoulders of two angels;
3. He will pray behind Imam Mahdi;
4. He will fight with, chase, and kills Dajjal (the Anti-Christ) at the gate of Ludd;
5. Messiah will rule justly according to the Laws of Islam and not Gospel;
6. People of the Book will accept him as a Messenger of Allah (SWT) and will embrace Islam (Quran 4:159); subsequently, Cross (Christianity) and Jizyah tax (on non-Muslims) will be abolished;
5. He will encounter attack of Gog and Magog and will be victorious;
6. Islam and justice will rule, oppression will be eliminated, and no fighting (War) will be needed (will be abolished);
7. Everyone will be well off and hatred, jealousy, and grudge will disappear;
8. Messiah will perform Hajj and/or Umra;
9. He will die after living on earth for 40 years and will be buried in a grave next to the holy Prophet (SAW).
10. His advent is a sign for the closeness of the day of Judgment (Quran, 43:61)
Did Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani fulfil any of these conditions, which Holy Prophet SAAW swore that they would take place?

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